What Kind of Fool

What Kind of Fool

Barbra Streisand

0 Nagrań
0 Odsłuchań

There was a time when we were down and out
There was a place when we were starting over
We let the bough break
We let the heartache in
Who's sorry now?
There was a world when we were standing still
And for a moment we were separated
And then you found her
You let the stranger in
Who's sorry now?
Who's sorry now?
What, what kind of fool
Tears it apart
Leaving me pain and sorrow?
Losing you now
Wonderin' why
Where will I be tomorrow?
Forever more that's what we are to be
Without each other
We'll be remembering when...
There was a time when we were down and out
We cried
There was a place when we were starting over
We lied
We let the bough break
We let the heartache in
Who's sorry now?
Who's sorry now?
What, what kind of fool
What, what kind of fool
Tears it apart
Tears it apart
Leaving me pain and sorrow?
Oh! Losing you now
How can I win?
Where will I be tomorrow?
Was there a moment when I cut you down?
Played around?
What have I done?!
I only apologize
For being, as they say, the last to know
It has to show
When someone is in your eyes...
What, what kind of fool
Tears it apart
Leaving me pain and sorrow?
Losing you now
Wondering why
Where will I be tomorrow?
What, what kind of fool
Tears it apart
Leaving me pain and sorrow?
Losing you now
How can I win
Where will I be tomorrow

Ładowanie piosenki
Nie wykryto kamery

What Kind of Fool


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