Streets of Philladelphia

Streets of Philladelphia

Bruce Springsteen

0 Nagrań
0 Odsłuchań

I was bruised and battered
I couldn't tell what I felt
I was unrecognizable to myself
Saw my reflection in a window
And didn't know my own face
Oh brother are you gonna leave me wastin' away
On the streets of Philadelphia
I walked the avenue, 'til my legs felt like stone
I heard the voices of friends vanished and gone
At night I could hear the blood in my veins
Just as black and whispering as the rain
On the streets of Philadelphia
Ain't no angel gonna greet me
It's just you and I my friend
And my clothes don't fit me no more
A thousand miles just to slip this skin
The night has fallen, I'm lyin' awake
I can feel myself fading away
So receive me brother with your faithless kiss
Or will we leave each other alone like this
On the streets of Philadelphia

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Streets of Philladelphia


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Playlista dostępna tylko dla użytkowników, którzy posiadają konto STAR.


Cry Cry

Cry Cry


Albo On Albo Ja

Albo On Albo Ja

Andrzej Cierniewski



Wolna Grupa Bukowina

Ale to już było

Ale to już było

Maryla Rodowicz

Czerwone I Bure ( wersja dance )

Czerwone I Bure ( wersja dance )

Piosenka Biesiadna

Ballada majowa

Ballada majowa

Stare Dobre Małżeństwo

Ofiaruję Tobie Panie mój

Ofiaruję Tobie Panie mój

Piosenka Religijna

Blues z kapelusza

Blues z kapelusza


Czy ten Pan i Pani

Czy ten Pan i Pani

Anna Wyszkoni



Ewa Farna

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