What`s In It For Me

What`s In It For Me

Amy Diamond

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It's so confusing
You sure been messing with my mind
Eh eh eh eh yeah
You cut me loose and
Suddenly we're doing fine
I'm not a perfect little girl
But I should get what I deserve
And I refuse to be your mother
So tell me
What's in it for me
I really gotta know
What's in it for me
This ain't no one man show
To in my life
You come and you go
Ain't happy about it
So I gotta know
What's in it
What's in it for me
What's in it
What's in it
Please understand me
Your games ain't working anymore
Ain't working anymore
You can't have this candy
And keep one foot outside the door, nooo
And how you only come around
When your life is upside down
And I'm about to blow your cover
So tell me
What's in it for me
I really gotta know
What's in it for me
This ain't no one man show
To in my life
You come and you go
Ain't happy about it
So I gotta know
What's in it
What's in it for me
I got no time for a hit and run
I need more than a little fun
Cause I only play for keeps
I gotta know what's it all about
Go ahead, spit it out
Say what's in it for me
What's in it for me, eh eeh
Hang on
What's in it
What's in it
I really gotta know, oh
What's in it
What's in it
This ain't no one man show
In my life
You come and you go
Ain't happy about it
So I gotta know
What's in it for me
I really gotta know
What's in it for me
This ain't no one man show
To in my life
You come and you go
Ain't happy about it
So I gotta know
What's in it
What's in it for me
What's in it
What's in it for me

Ładowanie piosenki
Nie wykryto kamery

What`s In It For Me


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