Welcome To The City

Welcome To The City

Amy Diamond

0 Nagrań
0 Odsłuchań

Well done, welcome to the city
You'll become number one with a witty tongue
We praise the young
Have a ball, have it all, do whatever
Hit the wall, get the call and you better pay
There's no other way
Throw your pennies in a wishing well
Might get heaven and you might get hell
Thunder, lightning, ain't that kinda frightening
Saints and sinners on the road to fame
You ain't no winner 'til we know your name
Black white flashlight show me what you got
Have a good bite out of the city
Take a long, cold look at the world
You might crash, burn
Either way, you'll learn
Good bite out of the city
Free your mind, your behind's gonna follow
Do the crime, do the time when tomorrow comes
We're the pretty ones
Shop around, settle down, get a job, be a slob
What you get, what you give's your prerogative
That's how we live
Throw your pennies in a wishing well
Might get heaven and you might get hell
Black white flashlight, show me what you got
Have a good bite out of the city
Take a long, cold look at the world
You might crash, burn
Either way, you'll learn
Good bite out of the city

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Nie wykryto kamery

Welcome To The City


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Piosenka Biesiadna

Rysowane Tobie

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Ballada majowa

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Stare Dobre Małżeństwo

Dwie Bajki

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Hej Sokoły ( wersja dance )

Hej Sokoły ( wersja dance )

Piosenka Biesiadna

Twoja playlista 0

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