All That She Wants

All That She Wants

Ace of Base

0 Nagrań
0 Odsłuchań

She leads a lonely life
She leads a lonely life
When she woke up late in the morning light
And the day had just begun
She opened up her eyes and thought
"Oh, what a morning"
It's not a day for work
It's a day for catching tan
Just lying on the beach and having fun
She's going to get you
All that she wants is another baby
She's gone tomorrow, boy
All that she wants is another baby, yeah
All that she wants is another baby
She's gone tomorrow, boy
All that she wants is another baby, yeah
So if you are in sight and the day is right
She's the hunter, you're the fox
The gentle voice that talks to you
Won't talk forever
It is a night for passion
But the morning means goodbye
Beware of what is flashing in her eyes
She's going to get you
All that she wants is another baby
She's gone tomorrow, boy
All that she wants is another baby, yeah
All that she wants is another baby
She's gone tomorrow, boy
All that she wants is another baby, yeah
All that she wants is another baby
She's gone tomorrow, boy
All that she wants is another baby, yeah
All that she wants is another baby
She's gone tomorrow, boy
All that she wants is another baby, yeah

Ładowanie piosenki
Nie wykryto kamery

All That She Wants


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Playlista dostępna tylko dla użytkowników, którzy posiadają konto STAR.


Ale to już było

Ale to już było

Maryla Rodowicz

Rysowane Tobie

Rysowane Tobie

Piasek ( Andrzej Piaseczny )

Hej Sokoły ( wersja dance )

Hej Sokoły ( wersja dance )

Piosenka Biesiadna



Ewa Farna

Czerwone I Bure ( wersja dance )

Czerwone I Bure ( wersja dance )

Piosenka Biesiadna

Albo On Albo Ja

Albo On Albo Ja

Andrzej Cierniewski

Cry Cry

Cry Cry


Czy ten Pan i Pani

Czy ten Pan i Pani

Anna Wyszkoni

Ofiaruję Tobie Panie mój

Ofiaruję Tobie Panie mój

Piosenka Religijna

Blues z kapelusza

Blues z kapelusza


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